In this post we will see: How to read a Vernier Caliper in millimeters, vernier scale: 0.02 mm.

And as with the other cases, it is simple and easy to perform. So, let´s start.
The Caliper has two elements that intervene in the measurement, these are: the main scale and the vernier scale.
The main scale is divided in all lenght and it have a minimun measuring unit, it is a millimeter, while the vernier scale, takes fractional measure readings of the minimun division of the main scale, that is the millimeter.
Rules For Taking Readings From The Caliper In Millimeters.
Each division of the main scale is equal to a millimeter.
For whole measurements, we must see the exactly match of the vernier scale zero with a division of the main scale, also the number ten of the vernier scale matches with a main scale division.
If the main scale zero matches with the vernier scale zero, and the number ten of the vernier scale matches with a main scale division, we have a zero millimeters reading.

If matches five divisions of the main scale with the vernier scale zero, and the number ten of the vernier scale matches with a main scale division, we have a five millimeters reading.

If matches twenty two divisions of the main scale with the vernier scale zero, and the number ten of the vernier scale matches with a main scale division, we have a twenty two millimeters reading.

The vernier scale of the caliper is divide into fifty equal parts.
if 1 millimeter is divided by fifty equal parts, we obtain 0.02 mm.
0.02 millimeters is the caliper apreciation and is the minimun measure reading that this instrument can read, it is representaing by a small división in the vernier scale, that is, each vernier scale division is equal to 0.02 millimeters or two hundredths of millimeter.

Five divisions of the vernier scale are then five times 0.02, it is equal to 0.1 millimeters or one hundredth of millimeter, it is represented by one big division in the vernier scale.
One hundredth of millimeter is represented with the number one in the vernier scale of the caliper.
Two hundredths of millimeter are represented by the number two.
Three hundredths of millimeter are represented by the number three and so on.
Now, for taking measurements reading with the vernier scale, the only rule is see the division of the vernier scale that matches exactly with a division of the main scale, multiply it by 0.02 and add the whole number that is in the main scale before the vernier scale zero.
Also, you can interested in: How to read a Vernier Caliper in Fractional Inches.
In the main scale, to the left of the vernier scale zero there are nine divisions, it means that we have nine whole millimeters, in the vernier scale matches the thirteen division with a main scale division, so, we must to aply the next procedure:
Main reading:”L”, is equal to main scale reading: “A” plus vernier scale reading: “B”.
“A” reading is length that corresponds to the whole numbers and it is nine millimeters plus “B” reading is length that corresponds to the vernier caliper reading and in this example is:
0.02 times thirteen divisions equals, 0.26 millimeters.
So, main reading is: nine millimeters plus 0.26 millimeters equals to 9.26 millimeters.

In the main scale, to the left of the vernier scale zero there are zero divisions, it means that we have zero whole millimeters, in the vernier scale matches the 47 division with a main scale division, so, we must to aply the procedure:
Main reading:”L”, is equal to main scale reading “A” plus vernier scale reading “B”.
“A” reading is length that corresponds to the whole numbers and it is zero millimeters plus “B” reading is length that corresponds to the vernier caliper reading and in this example is:
0.02 times 47 divisions equals, 0.94 millimeters.
So, main reading is: zero millimeters plus 0.94 millimeters equals to 0.94 millimeters.

54 whole millimeters to the left of the vernier scale zero.
In the vernier scale, matches the 23 division with a main scale division, it means 0.02 times 23 divisions, equals to 0.46 millimeters, so, main reading is 54 millimeters plus 0.46 millimeters equals to 54.46 millimeters.

I hope this information is useful and helpful to you.
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